Flavors: Strawberry, Chocolate with Vanilla frosting and Red Velvet
Price: $2
Score: 3.5
“The cupcake disparity is a real issue but how do we overcome it?”
Olivia’s Cupcakes is a first in what I am hoping to be a trend: cupcake shops opening in predominately African-American neighborhoods. Walking into Olivia’s you are immediately greeted with factors beyond their control: crime, poverty, and lack of employment. Despite acting as a solution, you can’t blame them for installing triple thick, bullet-proof glass. Let me elaborate.

(Photo courtesy of Olivia’s Cupcakes)
Housed in a purple brownstone, Olivia’s Cupcakes looks like fairytale princess land. Outfitted in pink princess awnings, glitter wands and a crystal chandelier, it’s an adolescent girl’s dream. I was a bit jealous of the little girl waiting with her mother to discuss having her party in their princess room. What I wasn’t jealous of, was their long wait time only to be told the person that they needed to speak to wasn’t available.
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Photo courtesy of HBO/The Wire |
Although Olivia’s Cupcakes is metro bus accessible, driving there would be ideal. I decided to drive and found plenty of parking across the street. Making my way up the spiraled stairs, I saw potential cast members for the HBO drama, ‘The Wire’, standing in line for cupcakes. Recognizing my surroundings, I knew two things:
1. I needed to get in and get out.
2. The Critic is mad bourgeois
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Olivia's Cupcakes Chocolate with Vanilla Frosting |
At only $2 a pop I was eager to indulge all my cupcake fantasies. However once I got to the window to order, I was met with the dreaded “Ain’t no mo…” Their website boasted 8 daily flavors but that day only 4 were available. Luckily the line wasn’t long but the two teenaged girls working behind the counter were doing so in tandem versus assembly-line style. Ideally one would handle the money while the other bagged cupcakes. Nonetheless they were super sweet and a bit overwhelmed so I overlooked it.
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Strawberry Cupcake from Olivia's Cupcakes |
Once I made it back to my car I sunk my teeth into the chocolate cupcake which was Billie D. Williams smooth (Colt 45 Days) and Phillip Drummond rich. Equally rich was their red velvet cupcake. Moist and draped in cream cheese frosting, Olivia’s Cupcakes turned me into a believer! Finally, I managed to grab my all-time favorite cupcake: strawberry frosting on strawberry cake which may sound redundant but Olivia’s made it all worthwhile.
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Red Velvet Cupcake from Olivia's Cupcakes |
Overall Olivia’s Cupcakes is a venture that I want to succeed. Neighborhoods like Minnesota Avenue are often depraved of eateries (and resources) that others can take for granted.
I gotta go to Olivia's - Thx!
Hi James! Yes, check them out and bring some friends :0) Thanks for posting!
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