Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hello Cupcake Serves Up Celebration Cakes

L-R: Toasted Coconut, Carrot & Vanilla Cake
Last Tuesday, at the Barracks Row location, notable bloggers and media members gathered for the unveiling and champagne toast tasting of Hello Cupcake's new project: Celebration Cakes. 

Celebration cakes are whole cakes available to celebrate any occasion in one's life. With three different sizes (6", 8", 12", or sheet cakes), these single to multi-layered cakes can either be frosted (when purchased within 72 hours notice) or feature fondant (with 2 weeks notice). There are 7 fondant designs that include: flower, zebra, gift, damask, petal, beach and duck.

 Fondant Damask  Celebration Cake
With a range of basic and premium cake flavors; and frosting, the combination of cake pairings are endless. Expect basic fare such as: chocolate, vanilla, lemon or strawberry. But not withstanding the premium pairings of: burnt sugar buttercream, chocolate ganache, banana, cookie n cream, chocolate hazelnut and lemon, vanilla or coconut cream cheese to name a few. 

Gluten-Free Chocolate Cake and Strawberry Lemonade Cake 
While there, I tasted five of their numerous flavor choices: chocolate gluten-free, vanilla, carrot cake, toasted coconut and strawberry lemonade. All of which were wonderful however the strawberry lemonade was my favorite. The chocolate gluten-free cake reminded me of a rich chocolate fudge while the vanilla cake was far from basic with a flavor and texture reminiscent of southern pound cake. Both the toasted coconut and carrot cake were flavorful and moist, but nothing memorable (which is fair because there's only so many ways to make a coconut or carrot cake). 

Hello Cupcake owner, Penny Karas
Hello Cupcake's owner, Penny Karas, noted that this was a natural progression for the shop which exclusively features cupcakes, "People would come in and ask me if I did cakes because they wanted a cake for their wedding in addition to cupcakes." Cake prices start at $5-$6 per serving depending on the cake, frosting and fondant choices. Gluten-free and vegan cakes are also available. 

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